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HD Valentines Banquet is Tuesday, February 11 @ 6:30. The cost is $25 per couple. Pastor Mike Carper will be our guest speaker. Our meal is being prepared by Andy and Lynette Patrick. You don’t want to miss this time of fun and fellowship!  
All seniors are invited to our Pinto Beans Supper at the church on Saturday, February 22 from 4-6pm! We will have pintos, cabbage, cornbread, cole slaw and "sweets."
You can sign up at the Welcome Desk. Please let Mollie or Rita know you are coming and what you are bringing by Thursday, February 20. We look forward to fellowshipping together and are excited to receive input from everyone for 2025 events.
Attention Students! Registration is open for the Snowed In Retreat! For more information visit their website: and contact Pastor Cole.

Service Opportunities

Hesed House: Friday, February 28 at 6:15pm

Soup Kitchen: Saturday, February 22 at 9:30am